Virus is a crisis… and also a driver for AI adoption


(English to follow)




BlueDot AI エンジンは、世界中の150種類を超える疾患と症候群に関するデータを24時間、15分おきに検索し、収集するエンジンです。

BlueDotはAIとデータ分析で、Covid-19 のような疾病の蔓延を予測します。

1月23日、米国ワシントン州、初めての新型コロナウイルス患者が病室で隔離されました。ウイルスの感染を防ぐ為、AIロボットが使用されました。このロボット医師にはカメラ、マイク、聴診器が付けられています。米国で新型コロナウイルスの症例増加に伴い、Boston Dynamicsや、MITなど、研究機関で作られているロボットを感染者の増加が激しい病院などに導入し、血圧、脈拍、呼吸速度、体温などの体の基本情報を測り、薬を配布するなどのサポート作業をします。ロボットを使うことによって、人と人の接触を減らし、感染リスクを低くしました。

オープンデーターソース”COVID-19 Open Research Dataset”又は “CORD-19”は、米国ホワイトハウスのリクエストにより作られ、59,000以上の新型コロナウイルスに関する学術論文が含まれています。
情報量が多いことは良いことですが、膨大なデーターセットをリサーチ・レビューすることは研究者にとってとても大変です。そこでAI2 (Allen Institute for AI), Microsoft, Facebookなどの組織はホワイトハウスと一緒にAI使ってデータを整理、AIの自然言語処理で学術論文データを分析しました。


Alice Technologiesはシリコンバレーの建築ベンチャー企業で、AIによる工程管理のサービスを提供しています。10分間で100万通りの工程シミュレーションができ、その中で一番効率の良い工程を推奨してくれます。世界各地のゼネコン大手がAlice TechnologiesのAIサービスを利用しています。新型コロナウイルスで従業員、資材の配送などのスケジュールが大きく変化する中、Alice Technologies社は顧客であるゼネコンに工程シミュレーションのサポートを提供することで、ゼネコンは迅速で変化に応じた決断ができ、顧客の工事と中核事業を管理できるようにしました。
Alice TechnologiesのようなAIの能力はコロナウイルスの後でも建築会社にとって必要なデジタルツールだと私は思います。

– プロセスの一部でもAIロボットで自動化し、人と人の接触を減らす
– 溢れる情報の中、キーワード、指定する情報をすぐに引出す
– 従業員の減少による穴をAIで埋める
– 常時変化する環境下での迅速対応
– …


Jun S Hibbard – シリコンバレーから皆様にArtificial Intelligence (AI)トレンド、ベストプラクティス、専門家の声をお届けします。ご感想、聞きたいトピックスなどありましたら是非ともご連絡ください。
Greeting from Silicon Valley, California! I am Jun and run a consulting firm to support Japanese companies that drive and create innovation solutions by leveraging technologies like AI.
Let me know your thoughts, topics you will like to know.



Virus is a crisis… and also a driver for AI adoption

Hello from Silicon Valley. Here is the 2nd edition of AI Blog. Of course it is hard not to talk about Covid-19, as we in the bay area enter month two of shelter in place. Yes, the world is concerned about the Coronavirus virus and its impact. I went on Google and found out that people search “Coronavirus” almost ten times more than “AI”. (see Figure 1.)

In such an uncertain and challenging pandemic period, let’s take a look at how AI provides additional power to fight Covid-19, with a few examples.

Example One: Early warning by AI
On the last day of 2019, BlueDot artificial intelligence platform picked up on a cluster of “unusual pneumonia” cases happening around a market in Wuhan, China, and flagged it. BlueDot had spotted what would come to be known as COVID-19, nine days before the World Health Organization released its statement alerting people to the emergence of a novel coronavirus.
The BlueDot engine gathers data on over 150 diseases and syndromes around the world searching every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day. This includes official data from organizations like the Center for Disease Control or the World Health Organization.
The BlueDot, via artificial Intelligence and data analytics, predicts the spread of diseases like Covid-19. With AI, the system was able to sift through 100,000 articles and online posts daily in 65 languages, and then alert BlueDot’s employees, who immediately saw parallels to the deadly SARS outbreak in 2003.
AI and Human together provided an early waring of Covid-19.

Example Two: Patient supportive Care by AI Robotics
Jan. 23rd, The first confirmed US Covid-19 patient in Washington state is being isolated in a tiny room and treated by a robot as doctors try to prevent an outbreak. The robot “doctor” has a camera, microphone, and stethoscope With the Covid-19 case surges, more physician researchers are exploring the potential use of intelligent robots developed at Boston Dynamics and MIT to deploy in Covid surge clinics and inpatient wards to perform tasks (obtaining vital signs or delivering medication). These steps will thus reduce human contact, and the risk of infection.

Example Three: AI supports experts to do research better and faster
The ”COVID-19 Open Research Dataset”, or “CORD-19”, was created in response to a request from the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy. There are more than 59,000 scholarly articles about the novel coronavirus for use by the global research community.
This dataset is intended to mobilize researchers to apply recent advances in natural language processing to generate new insights in support of the fight against this infectious disease.
It’s great to have many information, while the core problem is information overload in research. Companies like AI2(Allen Institute for AI), Microsoft, Facebook work with White House, takes advantage of AI tools to organize, uses natural language processing to analyze scientific papers about coronavirus, It helps researchers better analyze and understand a growing set of scholarly articles about coronavirus. AI helps to combat information overload, making it easier for researchers find relevant studies. This could lead to new insights or approaches to address the COVID-19 outbreak.

Example Four: Coronavirus prompts companies to adopt AI call center solutions
As the spread of COVID-19, customer service centers, like for airlines or banks and credit card companies,have been experiencing an unprecedented high call volume. Customer representatives are increasingly ordered to work from home in the U.S. and elsewhere, with an impact that it is harder to manage these remote teams, e.g., see who is getting tired, who needs a break, and perhaps even to shift calls from one area of the country to another. Some of these companies turn to AI to close the resulting gaps in service.
Injecting AI and automation into customer service is not new, it exists before the pandemic. The covid-19 pandemic forced organizations to bring AI solution which might not be perfect, to make it work with human resource.

Example Five: AI make it possible to manage the business instant changing during Covid-19 period
Alice Technologies, a Silicon Valley construction technology startup, uses AI to generate millions of construction project schedules in less than 10min, to recommend the most efficient schedule choices to project managers. It has been adopted by many general contractors globally. During this pandemic, construction companies are facing constant changes of workforce, material delivery etc., Alice Technologies helped their clients to adjust construction project schedules in a few minutes, to help to make better decision and manage the projects and customers’ core business.
I believe that AI power from innovative startups like Alice Technologies will become an essential business digital tools for construction companies even after pandemic.

In summary, Covid-19 is driving the adoption of AI
Covid-19 is forcing enterprise to gather all kind of “force”, human, AI, and make it work together to address the challenges:
– Replace the gap of reduced resources
– Quickly response to constant environmental and business changes
– Deal with big data and get new hints instantly to anticipate and take action
– Automate certain process and workload to reduce human-contact
– …

Covid-19 “pushed” enterprises (and all individuals) to enhance our foundation (collaboration tools, WFH infatuations), adopt the human resource with digital tools, integrate human-intelligence with Artificial Intelligence. While we all still hope scientist, medical organizations and AI can create the vaccine to protect us from the virus, we, as professionals leading enterprises, shall think about how we can leverage AI for a stronger enterprise for future.


Jun – Greeting from Silicon Valley, California! I am Jun and run a consulting firm to support Japanese companies that drive and create innovation solutions by leveraging technologies like AI.
Let me know your thoughts, topics you will like to know.


Jun S Hibbard
現在米国カリフォルニア シリコンバレーを拠点にし、シリコンベレーを始め、海外のベンチャー企業、新しい技術とビジネスモデルの情報を収集し、日本のクライアントと協力し、オープンイノベーションを推進しています。
現 (米)スマート イノベーションCEO
GE DigitalインダストリアルIoTパートナー新市場開拓事業部 部長
Ciscoアジアスマート事業部パートナー戦略 リーダー
ベンチャー eWingsTech 副社長
上海交通大学コンピュータ科学専攻 卒業
米国マサチューセッツ工科大学MIT AI(Artificial Intelligence)ビジネス戦略プログラム 修了


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